
SCEANR therapy and flower essences therapy
Binsei Kobayashi BHSc.ND
It is always a priority to manage the pain and stress of every client in medical care. There are many natural medicines available to work to reduce pain and stress levels. However the Australian Wildflower Essences and Russian SCENAR therapy are both breakthroughs in the effectiveness of the management of pain and stress for clients. The Wild Flower Essences are therapeutic traditions founded by the indigenous Australians. They have used and developed this technique for over thousands of years. Currently there is a program utilizing the benefits of flower essences at almost ten hospitals alone in Perth. SCENAR is on the other hand a therapeutic device invented by Russian Scientists. Originally designed for the Russian cosmonauts who lacked the care of a doctor onsite when in space. The device was designed to provide a means of treating themselves without the need to take any forms of drugs. Many Russian medical centers now utilize the benefits of the SCENAR therapy especially ambulances which patients most often require immediate attention to trauma, pain and high stress levels. Over many years it had proven to become a highly effective device.
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■連絡先 EGAWOナチュラルヒーリング 〒140-0002東京都品川区東品川1-19-5 グリーンハイツ702