
原 著
Cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, aneurysm and myofascial pain syndrome
Masayuki Oshima
Pain Clinic Division, Department of Medicine, Mizuno pain clinic
Background: It should be considered that the combination therapy of vitamin Bs, Cs and etc. is added to the treatment of acute and convalescent stroke and myocardial infarction with traditional ways of them for the improving the quality of life and the cut in medical costs. This time, it has the consideration of them.
Methods and Result: On the basis of the recent reports it attempted to review the so far findings. Both arteriosclerosis and aneurysm are related to the degeneration of tunica media traveled by nutrient arteries. It is primary considered similar mechanism which is anaerobic glycolysis (fermentation) involved the growing into cancer cells. They attribute to the problems of β-oxidation, citric acid cycle and respiratory chain.
Conclusion: The host cells which can not have the apoptosis of invading materials decrease the nuclear materials of host cells. The genes are regulated by granulocytes colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF), interleukin (IL)-1s, tumor suppressor genes’ protein53s (P53) and tumor necrosis factor-αs (TNF-α). Hydrogen peroxides (H2O2) by β-oxidation in peroxisome are not produced by anaerobic respiration. It is considered that catalases of the peroxisomes in anaerobic respiration are unnecessary. Endocytosis and phagocytosis in anaerobic respiration stop on the first steps involved in the respiratory chain. It is considered that the stromal cells (They become of nuclei and nuclears’ membrane.) are adjusted whether to make the mature red blood cells again or to become B lymphocytes by the erythropoietins, ILs and etc. It’s considered that Vitamin Bs, Cs and etc. are need.
■Key words:anemia, apoptosis, immune system, insulin, plaque
■連絡先 Correspondence to Masayuki Oshima, Mizuno pain clinic, green-town-tanaka 1F, 4-11 Midori-chou Mishima-shi Shizuoka-ken, Japan 411-0848. E-mail address: oshima0803@yahoo.co.jp