
A case of hyperthyroidism with reduced glucose oxidation
Ikutaka Takemoto, Yoshihisa Urita, Hideki Tanaka, Taichi Arai, Toshiyasu Watanabe, Taito Miyazaki, Kazushige Nakanishi, Hitoshi Nakajima, Nagato Shimada, Motonobu Sugimoto
Department of General Medicine and Emergency Care, Toho University School of Medicine
Hyperthyroidism leads to an enhanced demand for glucose, which is primarily provided by increased rates of hepatic glucose production due to increased gluconeogenesis in the fasting state. Furthermore, increased rates of gastric emptying and intestinal absorption may affect postprandial hyperglycemia. The aim of the present study is to compare the oxidation rate of exogenous glucose between the three sites of labeling in patients with hyperthyroidism that should have enhanced glucose oxidation and absorption. A 32-year-old previously health man was admitted to our hospital with profound weakness of his extremities and an inability to stand on his own after eating a great amount of food. Pertinent laboratory test results showed a low potassium level. Treatments of oral and intravenous potassium supplementation resulted in his complete recovery. Other laboratory tests revealed hyperthyroidism 13CO2 excretion curves after oral ingestion of [1-13C]-, [2-13C]-, [3-13C]-glucose solution reflected decreased absorption and oxidation of glucose, suggesting that hyperthyroidism is not always associated with enhanced glyconeogenesis or glucose absorption.
■Key words: Hyperthyroidism, glucose oxidation, glucose absorption, 13C-glucose metabolism, glyconeogenesis
■連絡先 連絡責任者:瓜田純久 〒143-8541 大田区大森西6-11-1 東邦大学総合診療·救急医学講座
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